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Who We Are?

In the year 2004, in the parish of Saint Michael, the Reverend Father Robert Roman Perez created a Fraternity with the status of A Private Association of the Faithful. Some years later, in 2012, by virtue of an Episcopal Decree, N° 008-12, the Bishop of the Prelature of Huamachuco, in the north of Peru, gave the Fraternity the status of A Public Association of the Faithful, open to candidates, both clerical and lay, who wish to live in community in order to promote their sanctity.

The Constitutions of the Fraternity emphasize that there is complete equality amongst the brothers in relation to their standing in the community, and the only difference between them stems from their different functions ––some of the brothers will have received the Sacrament of Holy Orders––. Both the brothers who are presbyters and those who are laymen, by virtue of their baptism, work jointly in order to spread the saving message of our Lord Jesus Christ. All the brethren promise to keep the evangelical counsels of chastity, poverty, and obedience.*

The Priestly Fraternity of Saint Michael the Archangel promotes the sanctification of its members by means of a strict observance of the teachings and norms of the Decree Presbyterorum Ordinis of the Second Vatican Council. This document emphasizes that “each and every priest is joined to his brother priests by a bond of charity, prayer, and every kind of cooperation. In this manner, they manifest that unity with which Christ willed his own to be perfectly one, so that the world might know that the Son has been sent by the Father”.(Presbyterorum Ordinis, N° 8)

*It is very important to note that the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Michael the Archangel of the Prelature of Huamachuco - Peru is completely distinct from the suppressed Public Association of the Faithful, “The Order and Mandate of Saint Michael”, suspended by decree by the Bishop of Tui-Vigo in Spain, Mgr. Luis Quintero Fiuza, on the 22 of December of 2014.


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